May 28, 2011

The lady in pink..

Last month I took a picture of the cutest lady on a pink bike on 1st Avenue and 1st Street in Manhattan. After jumping off the sidewalk, and into the street, I kindly asked her if i could take a shot with my phone. The traffic light was turning green and she had to make a move, but said sure, and smiled for me anyway. (top photo) The moment happened so quickly, the single shot came out great and I knew I wanted to post it, but I never got her information and wasn't sure what to say really. I wanted to blog about it last week, but for some reason felt it was better to wait.

This evening, I strolled around Greenpoint in Brooklyn with my bike and my friend Paulo. I discovered my wait was for a reason. We came across the lovely lady as she was calmly standing in the middle of the street with her bike. She said she was just taking pictures of her favorite building, which happens to be the same building Paulo and I were admiring. I instantly noticed her 108 sticker and smiled and we talked some more. The conversation shifted to numerology and the magical multiple powers of the number 9. Details of the conversation surprised us both and we found ourselves weirded out by the coincidence of the number 99 and the same street name in 2 different neighborhoods. It left us in shock and we laughed as we parted ways. I finally got her information and this time, my blog entry is more complete. Her name is Sheryl Yvette, and her bright, wonderful energy inspired me greatly. Here is the second amazing shot I took of her last night. Isn't she just adorable?!!

May 07, 2011

What? The world is about to end? Dance anyway?

The 3rd edition of Disconnect is said to be landing again in GREENPOINT. There have been more sightings of aliens in New York and there is also talk that the world is about to end..? Really? Well, my friend Paulo Rojas has installed an army of robotic people, weird oddities and plenty of laser beams to ward off the evil end. There will be music for the masses, drinks, ODD creatures and apocalyptic ART to stimulate your senses. Bring your shields or just yourselves and dance til the END.


GesamtkunstWERK a.k.a. WERK a.k.a.

Last weekend I visited G E S A M T K U N S T W E R K a.k.a. WERK in the Lower East Side. Thanks to my friend Sabo, I was introduced to the lovely ladies that run this store and have had the pleasure to display my glass jewelry there. If you happen to be in the city, they are located at 9 Clinton Street, NYC just south of Houston.

Time Out New York just voted them as #1 Indie Handmade Boutique in the city! Fantastic I say. This little store has more unique treasures in it than you would expect being a small place, but once you're in there, you will discovering a multitude of creative art pieces. Several designers and artists are represented and it's a great place to get a special gift for a special anyone. Catchy gift cards, matchbooks turned magic, vintage film (real film) transformed and sewn into sturdy hand bags, rings shaped as french bulldogs, journals with diagonal lines, t-shirts for your brother, and even more for your mother.

Check out the store for yourself. If you're interested in purchasing any of my jewelry there, and you've read this, tell Allie and Lu to give you a 9% discount and that I mentioned the sale via my blog. The discount will end May 21st so get your ass in there before it's too late!


www. c a n t s p e l l i t .com / 646.476.9100

9 Clinton Street [between Houston and Stanton] NYC 10002